Does it seem like every time you pay off one loan, you find yourself saddled with some new debt? Or maybe you have student loans or a mortgage that seems like will never be paid off? You’re not alone. Read more
Sorting the Professionals from the Salesmen
Recently, I volunteered to be a guinea pig for my sister who is in dental hygiene school. When I arrived, I walked into a room with a couple dozen stations, all with aspiring hygienists in uniform, performing dental exams and cleaning teeth. Read more
Who’s in Control of Your Financial Future?
About a month ago I sat in a college classroom at a conference for alumni. The speaker was a well-renowned academic. Her topic:
“Household Financial Decision-Making: Mistakes People Make, Why, and Ways to Make Things Better.” Read more
Investment Myth #4: Past Performance = Future Results
Despite the disclaimer on every advertisement for an investment product reminding customers that “past performance is no guarantee of future results,” most investors, and sadly many advisors use past performance as their primary criteria Read more
Investment Myth #2: Timing Is Everything
We’ve all heard the saying, “Buy low, sell high.” Seems pretty straightforward, right? Actually, it’s not. In reality, constantly trading in an effort to time the market or pick stocks leads to higher transactions costs and taxes, and introduces unnecessary risks Read more
Investment Myth #1: Investing = Gambling
*This is the first in a series of posts that will debunk common investment myths. I will conclude the series by describing an investment strategy that I believe gives investors the best chance to reach their goals Read more
2 Simple Retirement Plans for Small Businesses
When it comes to saving for retirement, most everyone has heard of the 401(k) and the IRA. If you’re a small business owner, or if you plan to be at some point in the future, I want to bring your attention to two other retirement plans Read more